Я очень люблю десерты с клубникой. Этот чизкейк «Вишня-клубника» является продолжением серии рецептов с фруктами и ягодами. Недавно я приготовила клубничный чизкейк без выпечки. Он …
Vegan Cherry Strawberry Cheesecake

Recipes for delicious desserts without sugar and wheat flour.
Я очень люблю десерты с клубникой. Этот чизкейк «Вишня-клубника» является продолжением серии рецептов с фруктами и ягодами. Недавно я приготовила клубничный чизкейк без выпечки. Он …
This No bake Strawberry Cheesecake has a cashew base with strawberry pieces and an almond crust. The magical taste and aroma of strawberries will not …
Do you like tiramisu? If yes then this recipe is for you. This Tiramisu Cake is a little different from the classic recipe. There are …
This Pear Upside Down Cake is fluffy and flavorful. Baked pears, banana and cinnamon make the dessert irresistible. This vegan dessert is made in a …
These Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes will please all chocolate lovers. Thin almond crust and dark chocolate and cream filling. What could be better? Delicate creamy filling …
This carrot cake recipe features a tender crumb, flavorful spices, crunchy nuts, and rich cream cheese frosting. Filled with fresh grated carrots, rich vanilla and …
Chocolate Cheesecake without oven is the perfect dessert that will suit any table. This dessert is especially suitable for all chocolate lovers. This easy no …
This Chocolate Mousse Cake is an incredible dessert with a creamy texture. Mousse cake is made without baking gelatin and eggs. An almond date crust …
These Vegan Chocolate Mocha Bars are the perfect combination of coffee and chocolate. These gluten-free bars with a delicate soufflé-like filling will not leave you …